About IETE

The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) is India’s leading recognised professional society devoted to the advancement of Science and Technology of Electronics, Telecommunication & IT. Founded in 1953.

The IETE is the National Apex Professional body of Electronics and Telecommunication, Computer Science and IT Professionals. It serves more than 1,25,000 members (including Corporate, Student and ISF members) through various 63 Centres, spread all over India and abroad.

The Institution provides leadership in Scientific and Technical areas of direct importance to the national development and economy. Government of India has recognised IETE as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (SIRO) and also notified as an educational Institution of national eminence.


IETE Focus on advancing Electro-Technology.The IETE focuses on advancement of the science and techology of electronic, telecommunication, computing, information Technology and related area. Towards this end the institution promotes and conducts basic engineering and continuing technical education programmes for human resource development.


• To provide a common platform to exchange ideas and information on the most recent topics in the field of science and technology.

• Awareness of various opportunities for higher education and employment and also empowerment of student’s courses through knowledge and skill by facilitating and organizing workshops, seminars and visits to regional local Industries.

• Encourage team spirit and self reliance among student members

• Overall growth in technical and professional skills in young students.


• Organize Technical Programs, Special Lectures, Workshops, Seminars Symposia, exhibitions for the benefit of students.

• One of the major activities which we conduct every year for our ISF students is IETE Students’ Forum Zonal Congress, which comprises of expert talk, panel discussion and Technical Competition, wherein, our ISF students can display their innovative projects and the best projects are rewarded with cash prizes.

• To facilitate technical visits, project works, employment, contact with industries and academic institutions.

• Regular Interaction with IETE Centres in the region and support from IETE Corporate members, R&D Laboratories, Industries etc in the technical programmes of the Forum


The IETE Student Forum (ISF) at CMR College of Engineering & Technology (CMRCET), Hyderabad, serves as a vibrant hub for students to enhance their technical expertise and professional skills. Designed to bridge the gap between academic concepts and industry demands, ISF conducts a range of activities such as workshops, seminars, expert lectures, and exhibitions to foster hands-on learning. The forum also provides opportunities for technical visits, project collaborations, and networking with industry professionals, promoting teamwork and innovation. Under the guidance of faculty mentors and a proactive student leadership team, ISF at CMRCET plays a key role in advancing knowledge in electronics, communication engineering, and information technology, empowering students for future career success.


• Common platform to students for exchange of ideas in technical topics of interest, e.g., curriculum, employment, opportunities for higher education, emerging trends, etc.

• Priority for publishing their papers in Journal of Education.

• Can subscribe for other publications such as IETE Journal of Research and IETE Technical Review.

• Can attend IETE technical programs in India at reduced Registration fee.

• ISF Member will be issued with a Certificate/Idcard and Lapel Pin.

• Technical visits, Project works, contact with industries and academic Institutions.
